The Lundquist Company (TLC) has been creating photo documentary books for event clients for more than 20 years. In 2010, TLC Publishing (a division of TLC) was established to provide custom book services to authors who wish to self-publish but are uncomfortable jumping the hurdles of the print-on-demand industry. We guide your manuscript through editing, cover design, printing, and into your readers’ hands.

Finally… simple language explains the most often used words in publishing. From ISBN to index, to gutter and perfect bound, the professional terms and book elements you need to know are finally all in one place, organized as you would find them in a real book. Just start at the front cover and there’s the information – where you need it, when you need it! A workbook, dictionary and guide… all in one. $15.95

Need to add some punch to your annual awards dinner? Assigned to produce the volunteer appreciation dinner? Thinking about a career as an event planner? Results-Driven Event Planning: Using Marketing Tools to Boost Your Bottom Line reveals the process of building an event your attendees will love and applying marketing concepts to measure success.
Professional event planner, Ingrid E. Lundquist, CSEP, shows you how to:
· Build an event plan
· Develop strategies to reach your target audience
· Implement risk management
· Identify budget line items
· Prove and evaluate results